Hey y’all! I am so glad you are visiting my little corner of the internet. I am Saidah. I am married to my high school sweetheart and together we have three sassy little ladies. I currently reside in North Carolina but was born in raised in St. Louis, MO. I am an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) and nurse. It's basically a bunch of words that mean I am here to help you and your family reach your feeding goals.
My passion for lactation began well before I had children. I was always so intrigued by the act of breastfeeding and knew I wanted to help families during this process. I went on to pursue my dream of becoming a Neonatal ICU nurse. The goal of becoming an IBCLC was always at the forefront of everything I did so getting my certification was not far behind.
When I was pregnant with my first baby, I did all the research I thought I needed in order to have what I would deem a successful breastfeeding journey. Things were quite different once I got her in my arms and I was crushed. Breastfeeding was NOT easy for us. I made it my goal to breastfeed her exclusively and did everything I could to make that happen. Our breastfeeding journey did not look like what I saw online or in textbooks. I realized that the foundation of breastfeeding education was seriously lacking in my own journey. Through my journey in motherhood and time at the bedside I learned that this was a problem that many families faced. They wanted to breastfeed but had no idea what to expect or where to start.
The first time I saw anyone in my family breastfeed was when I decided to breastfeed. Although I would love to think of myself as being unique in that experience, I know I am not. There are many cultural reasons that breastfeeding in communities of color is taboo. I like to think that I am here to change that. My goal is to increase visibility and support of Black and brown families that choose to breastfeed. I want someone to look at me and say “She’s doing it. I know I can!”.
This is where I want to help! I want to not only help you feed your baby but I want to help you reach whatever specific goals you have for your family. I quickly realized after feeding my first baby that everyone’s journey is so unique and it’s all okay. The variations of normal is what makes breastfeeding so beautiful. Leave me a comment and let me know what topics you want to discuss!
